About me
Born in 1972, I became a regular on the Kippax in the mid 1980's. As soon I was old enough to earn money I started to attend away games, collecting programmes and ticket stubs of games I attented(Where a ticket was required). A few years ago I decided to digitally record all the programmes and tickets stubs I had, thus started the long task of scanning front and back covers of my Programmes. I then decided i wanted to view them wherever I had access to the Internet, so my training in web development started. This website is the result of that development and many many months of scanning. I have a lot of missing programme and ticket stub pictures and welcome any that you may have that I can add to this site. I hope you enjoy looking around this website.
Navigating the site
You can return to this Home page by clicking the Home button on pages where the top banner appears. There are some pages that do not included the top banner and where that is the case a back button will be visible. On pages that display tables, you can search within most of those tables and also filter on some columns. To view details of fixtures shown in those table click on the at the beginning of most tables. Get started by clicking on one of the pictures in the white banner below.